Part I: Pharmacoeconomic evaluation (20marks)
Sample case :
A tertiary care hospital in UAE needs to decide if it should addlow molecular weight heparin (Dalteparin) to the formulary, whichis therapeutically equivalent to the currently used Unfractionatedheparin (UFH). The hospital treats patients with deepvein thrombosis and other cases of thrombosis. The major advantageof Dalteparin is that it only has to be administered once per dayversus multiple times a day for UFH. Though the side effect profilevaries, it can be prevented with proper INR monitoring.
Instructions to students:
Select a suitable pharmacoeconomic method and perform comparingadministration of Clexane with UFH for patients with deep veinthrombosis. Follow all the seven steps givenbelow.
Step 1: Define the problem (1m)
Step 2: Determine the study’s perspective (1m)
Step 3: Determine specific treatment alternatives and outcomes(1m)
Step 4: Select the appropriate pharmacoeconomic method or model(1m)
Step 5: Measure inputs and outcomes (1m)
Step 6: Identify the resources necessary to conduct the analysis(1m)
Step 7: Present the results (4 m)
[Present in Table form]
Recommendations to the formulary committee:
[Here just mention whether Clexane should be added or now in theformulary]