Bed Manager role,

•Patient A(M) is planned for transfer from X Hospitalfor further investigation post surgical intervention (removal ofrenal stone )

•Patient B(M) is booked admission since one week fordisk prolapse surgery(Laminectomy) to a male surgical ward

•Patient C(M) is waiting in the ED for admission witha diagnosis of kidney stone and complain of with severe pain rightupper back pain

•Patient D(F) from female surgical ward is stable andis in recovery room since 2 hours post appendectomy

•You have two male outliers (control of DM & HTN)in male surgical ward

•Patient E (F) is with asthma attack and waiting inthe ED for admission

•You are working at Y hospital as a bed flow manager,the hospital bed capacity is 500 bed including male and femalesurgical wards, ICU,CCU,RR,ED,OPD, DCU,male and female medicalwards, and one medical- surgical pediatric ward. Currently thehospital with No bed situation. As a bed manager how you manage theabove situation with referral to your role as a bed manager.

please give answer to above mentioned cases withexplanation ?

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