3 (e) Describe 5 steps that you will need to carry out toprepare all farinaceous ingredients.

(f) Give examples of 5 causes of wastage in a kitchen orrestaurant environment.

4 (a) Describe 3 cookery methods that you use on a regularbasis. for each one , write out a brief description of theequipment and utensils that you use.

(b) What factors influence your choice of accompaniments for adish? Give at least five examples.

(c) Outline the chain of command in your kitchen, from kitchenmanager to serving staff and
dishwashers. Where do you fit in this chain of command and whatlevel of responsibility comes
with it?

5.(a) Name five factors which affect the presentation of adish.

(b) What checks should you make on garnishes before adding themto a dish? Give five examples of
garnishes you use in your workplace.

(c) When visually evaluating a dish prior to serving it, whatshould you check for? Give at least
three examples of elements that require checking.

(d) What four environmental factors should you consider when itcomes to storing a dish?

(e) When disposing of rubbish in your organisation, how do youcategorise materials?

. 1. Describe what brunoise, chiffonnade, and concasse cuts looklike, and explain how you would
perform each one.
2. Explain what the following food date labels refer to:
 Use by
 Best before
 Display until.
3. Generally, out of fruit, vegetable, and farinaceous ingredients,what would be considered to
be the most and least perishable?

4. Give five examples of sauces which can be used withvegetable, fruit, egg, and farinaceous

5. Give a brief background of at least one vegetable or fruitthat you use regularly, outlining
where it is grown, in what conditions it is grown, and in whatseasons it is harvested/picked.

6. Describe how you would boil, bake, and fry vegetable andfarinaceous ingredients.

7. How can you minimise and avoid the health risks associatedwith raw eggs?

8. Name three of the primary uses for eggs in recipes. Whatpurpose do they serve?

9. Why is it important to prepare ingredients and organise themon your worktop, according to
the food production sequence?

10. How can storing ingredients and dishes in fridges andfreezers help to ensure food safety?

11. Why is it important to disassemble and clean all equipmentparts after cooking?

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