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1. Theoryentification mar Examine whether the even decision is best characters deontology, mara particularism, the 2. Most Examine how the problem in the care are berdeportions Asses the station by contri theo Prediction and its relate for at oprethe patienten reconnoman – What the device – 5 6 & 7 기 V 8 A 9 R. 1. Theory Identification: (10 marks) Examine whether the given decision is best characterized as appealing to deontology, teleology, axiology, moral particularism, or something else. 2. Moral Diagnosis: (22 marks) . Examine how the moral problem in this case are being framed by the participants. Assess the situation by considering the followings: What is the patient’s medical condition? Predictions and uncertainties regarding prognosis (What are the probabilities for full or partial recovery? Is the patient terminally ill?). Treatment recommendations and reasonable alternatives. What are the relevant contextual factors? . HNR3142 Assessment2 Set Exercise Case Analysis Page 25
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