Rowan is a support worker and is planning to visit Mr Tomlinsonin his home for the first time. Mr Tomlinson is a 65-year-oldVietnam Veteran who lost both his legs during the war. Mr Tomlinsonuses a wheelchair for mobility and he is currently living in amodified flat. Rowan reads Mr Tomlinson’s individual plan andidentifies one of his personal goals is to exercise daily for onehour to maintain a healthy body. Rowan phones Mr Tomlinson toconfirm an appointment time of 9.30 am on Wednesday. He tells MrTomlinson that the purpose of his visit is to discuss how Rowan cansupport Mr Tomlinson to achieve the personal goals listed in hisindividual plan. Mr Tomlinson agrees to the time and day of thevisit and tells Rowan over the phone that he read about awheelchair exercise class in his local paper that runs threemornings per week and includes transportation. Mr Tomlinson knowsthat most members of the class have their conditions as a result ofillness or accident, so he is likely to be the only double amputeeparticipating. Previously the exercise classes did not cater forhis condition and he is aware that there is a risk that not all ofthe exercises may be suitable for him. Rowan says he will look intoit before his visit. Before hanging up, Mr Tomlinson mentions thathe owns an old dog who does not like strangers.

On Wednesday morning at 9.30 am Rowan knocks on Mr Tomlinson’sdoor, introduces himself, and is invited inside. Rowan is impressedwith the tidiness and orderliness of Mr Tomlinson’s home. MrTomlinson said he has been an organised person ever since joiningthe military. Rowan completes his hazard assessment of MrTomlinson’s flat. Rowan notes that cooking appliances are electricand that there is a functioning smoke alarm that was checked withinthe last two months. Rowan and Mr Tomlinson exchange in small talkbefore sitting down at his dining table with a coffee, to discussMr Tomlinson’s individual plan.

Mr Tomlinson shows Rowan a piece of exercise equipment that hewas given previously by a physiotherapist. Rowan is unfamiliar withthis equipment and informs Mr Tomlinson that before he assists himwith using it he will need to have some training from thephysiotherapist on the safe use of the equipment. Mr Tomlinsondiscloses that he was not happy with the services providedpreviously as he felt that he was not allowed enough input intowhat he wanted and felt that the previous support worker viewed himas a complaining old man. Rowan encouraged Mr Tomlinson to fill ina complaints form and explained the process for raising acomplaint. Mr Tomlinson was hesitant to do this as he felt that hewould get a reputation for being ‘difficult’. Rowan assured himthat the complaints procedure was kept confidential and other thanhis supervisor, no information regarding it would be disclosedunless Mr Tomlinson agreed to this. Rowan also gave Mr Tomlinsonthe contact details for his supervisor if Mr Tomlinson wanted todiscuss any of the issues further. At the end of the visit, Rowanclarifies the tasks that he will now carry out for Mr Tomlinson.These include:

  • assisting Mr Tomlinson to sign up for the wheelchair exercisesclasses
  • obtaining funding for specialist exercise equipment that MrTomlinson can use in his home
  • sourcing the right types of aids or equipment for MrTomlinson’s use.

Rowan returns to the office and enters a case file note in MrTomlinson’s file. Rowan also files the complaint form and gives acopy to his supervisor for review. Documentation for funding ofequipment and updating of Mr Tomlinson’s individualised plan isalso updated to reflect Mr Tomlinson’s input and goals. Rowan alsoputs in a request for training for the equipment that Mr Tomlinsonuses that he is not familiar with.


1. What documentation could Rowan have taken with him to hisfirst home visit with Mr Tomlinson?

2. How could Rowan plan for contingencies should Mr Tomlinson’sdog become a risk to Rowan’s safety?

3. Why is it important that Rowan seeks clarification of thetasks he must carry out at the end of his home visit with MrTomlinson?

4. How could Rowan develop a relationship of trust andconfidence with Mr Tomlinson in the home environment?

5. Aside from telling Mr Tomlinson his name, how could Rowanassure Mr Tomlinson of his identity before entering the flat?

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