REPORT on Patient-Donna Turner

Donna Turner, is a 73 year-old African American female, admittedfrom the ER during the night with the diagnosis of syncopal attack.Past medical history of HTN, CAD, and DJD. Admitted to Telemetryfor monitoring and workup. CT head negative and labs within normallimits. Saline lock in left hand. Medications: Lisinopril,Cardizem, HCTZ daily and Tylenol prn for pain. Scheduled fordiagnostic test in AM. Vital Signs B/P 150/85, Pulse 87Respirations 20 and Temperature 97.5, Oxygen saturation 96% on 2Liters via Nasal Cannula.

1. Identify team members and their specific roles in the care ofa patient with syncope.

Primary nurse

Nursing Assistant


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