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282 Unit IV Special Procedures Case Studies CASE STUDY 13-1: CSF SPECIMEN HANDLING A nurse delivered three vials of CSF to the laboratory A phlebotomist newly trained in specimen processing accepted the specimens from the nurse. The phlebotomist had never received CSF specimens before and was not sure what to do with them. She was extremely busy and her supervisor was at lunch, so she set the vials aside, Intending to ask her supervisor what to do with them upon her return from lunch. The supervisor so called to an emergency meeting and did not return for a hours. The phlebotomist was so busy she completely forgot about the CSF specimens until the physician called for the results on them. When he found out the specimens had not been tested he was furious. The specimens had to be recollected and the phlebotomis almost lost her job Questions 1. How could this incident have been prevented 2. Why did the specimens have to be recollected? 3. How is a CSF specimen collected? CASE STUDY COLLECTION Luanin recently receives on the phletstormy training. Today was the tinst day she ad allowed to work alone. It was a busy day and patients were starting to stack up in the waiting area. One elderly woman needed a blood test and a urine CAS. Luan was good at drawing blood and liked doing it. She hated to instruct patients in urine collection, however, She drew the blood specimen, quickly bandaged the patient and handed her a labeled urine collection container and several antiseptic wipes. She asked the patient if she had ever given a urine specimen for a culture before and when the patient said “Yes,” she showed her where the restroom was, and told her that she should put the specimen on the counter when the was finished and then she could leave. She then called another patient in for a blood draw. The elderly woman came out of the rest room, set the specimen on the counter as she had been told and left. Later that day when things quieted down, Luann discovered that the patient had placed the antiseptic wipes in the urine container with the specimen. She was mad that the woman could be so foolish and also that she would have to call her and request that the woman return to the laboratory and submit a new specimen. Questions 1. Why would the patient make such a mistake if she had submitted a urine specimen before 2. What should Luann have done that would have prevented the problem with the speciment an order CASE STUDY 13-3: AFB CULTURE It was Priday morning in the small rural hospital, Gerry, the plalebotomist, had just finished his usual morning draws when the nurse handed him for an AFB culture and directed him to the patient who was in isolation. The phlebotomist had not seen this order before and asked the nurse if someone else could do it. The nurse said it needed to be done that morning and because they were short staffed he needed to advise the patient on how to collect the specimen. Before dressing to enter the room, he called his supervisor and was told to bring the request to the tech in the micro laboratory. He was relieved and quickly lect the floor Questions 1. What does AF meant 2. What disease do they think the patient hus! What type of specimen wildw.collected and how should it be done
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