The nurse volunteers twice a month at a local free clinic tohelp the indigent. The nurse plans on leading a wellness class forthe community at the clinic on breast self-examination. A 30-minuteclass, consisting of 15 minutes of educational content and 15minutes to evaluate the participants, will be offered fourdifferent times. Participants at the free clinic can sign up forthe classes. Each session can take eight participants. The nurse isusing the latest guidelines from the American Cancer Society (ACS)as a handout to give the women who attend the class.

  1. What topics does the nurse need to include in the 15-minuteeducation session?

b. Design a teaching plan for the session

Mrs. Jo Martin is a 46-year-old patient with breast cancer, whois undergoing a left modified radical mastectomy for infiltratingductal carcinoma. Preoperatively, she explains to the OR nurse howthe cancer was found on her most recent mammogram. She said thatshe had been experiencing some fullness in her breast, but couldnot definitively palpate a mass. She also explains that she chosethe modified approach for surgery, as she is planning on havingbreast reconstruction later. (Learning Objectives 3 and 7)

  1. What are differences in benign and malignant breasttumors?
  1. Postoperatively, how does the nurse assess for lymphedema?
  1. What patient education does the nurse plan for Mrs. Martinrelated to hand and arm care after surgery?
  1. What actions can the nurse take to ease Mrs. Martin’s anxietyrelated to looking at her surgical site for the first time?
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