26)Office Gender: Male Age: 48 63 Reason for admission: Admittedfrom emergency department, where he was seen after an accidentwhile riding as a passenger in an off-road recreational vehicle 64Assessment: transverse fracture right tibia shaft, notifiedpatient’s oncologist, who is currently treating him for prostatecancer 65 Plan: FU with oncologist and orthropedic surgeon inoffice Please assign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for thisclinical case.
27Inpatient Hospital Gender: Male Age: 45 66 Reason foradmission: Admitted from emergency dues to skull fracture. He wasunconscious for 90 minutes, but returned to his normal state ofconsciousness 67 Assessment: open occipital condylar fracture (TypeI) of base of skull with subarachnoid hemorrhage 68 Plan:Craniotomy performed based on CT results which showed bleeding.Vessel occlusion performed. Patient in ICU following surgery. RTO 4days post discharge and weekly thereafter for two weeks Pleaseassign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for this clinical case
28)Inpatient Hospital Gender: Female Age: 71 69 Chief Complaint:swollen and painful right wrist and large bruises on right calfafter she tripped and fell in the living room of her apartmentyesterday 70 Assessment: Colles fracture. Extensive hematoma on thecalf is due to her term Coumadin therapy. Patient was previouslydiagnosed with age-related osteoporosis. 71 Plan: Arm casted, INRperformed, RTO to access healing of fracture and cast removalPlease assign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for this clinicalcase
29)Inpatient Hospital Gender: Male Age: 91 72 Reason foradmission: arrived by ambulance to emergency department for severeabdominal pain 73 Assessment: ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm 74Discharge status: deceased Please assign the correct ICD 10 CMCode(s) for this clinical case
30)Inpatient Hospital Gender: Male Age: 71 75 Reason foradmission: admitted from emergency department for inferolateralSTEMI 76 Assessment: On the third day after admission, patient hada second STEMI in the same location 77 Plan: CABG x 3 Please assignthe correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for this clinical case
31)Inpatient Hospital Gender: Male Age: 82 a. Reason foradmission: left sided paralysis, inability to walk, inability toformulate words b. Assessment: cerebral infarction due to embolismin right common carotid artery with pharyngeal dysphagia andleft-non dominant hemiplegia c. Plan: Rehab for mobility andspeech, medication to address blood pressure issues, FU withprimary care physician Please assign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s)for this clinical case
32)Inpatient Hospital Gender: Female Age: 45 a. Reason foradmission: bone marrow transplant b. Assessment: secondarymyelofibrosis due to right breast cancer c. Plan: not availablePlease assign the correct ICD 10 CM Code(s) for this clinicalcase