Juana Dela Cruz is a 34 year old female pregnant mother who wasrushed to the hospital due to lethargy and drowsiness. The patientwas said to be diagnosed with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension and iscurrently on his 7th month of pregnancy. Upon furtherassessment, the patient was unable to take foods orally, thephysician ordered to put the patient on a nasogastric tube forfeeding. Full strength Ensure at 50 cc/hour was ordered initially,and then advanced to 75 cc/hr after the first 24 hours. Juana hadmild diarrhea when the tube feeding was first initiated, but wasresolved after 2 days.
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 167 lb.
Vital Signs:
BP – 140/90
PR – 85
RR – 17
Temp – 36.8 degree Celsius
Hct – 45%
Hgb – 15g/dL
Albumin 4.8g/dL
Na – 142 mEq/L
K – 3.7 mEq/L
Case Study Questions:
- Why was Juana placed on an NG tube feeding? State two (2)important points why the patient was placed on an NGT Feeding.
- Enumerate at least two (2) contraindications for NGTfeeding?
- Juana Dela Cruz initially had some diarrhea. Why did thisoccur?
- What other complications should the nurse watch for while JuanaDela Cruz is on a NG tube?
- Enumerate at least three (3) important health teachings toJuana Dela Cruz relatives and significant others if Ms. Dela Cruzwill be sent home with an NGT.