The Mayo clinic is an organization that uses value-based care.According to Kari Bunkers, the Chief Medical information officer,“The Mayo Clinic is focusing on a data-driven, team-based approachto coordinate care for its patients based on each individual’sneeds, she said. These efforts are not specific to cancer care, butthe majority of them also apply to oncology.” (VBCC, 2013). DerekHaas et al, author of the article titled “The mayo clinic model forrunning the value-improvement program”, explains that forvalue-based outcomes to be measured, “The Orthopedic Project teamreviewed data, which showed that all three Mayo locations werealready performing well on length of stay, complication rates, and30-day readmission rates compared with a range of nationalbenchmarks. The team also analyzed patient-pain scores during thehospital stay and attempted to access data on patient-reported painand functionality, both pre-and post-operatively….” As a resultof measuring value-based care, Bunkers explains that Nurses andPhysicians receive a reimbursement through Medicare payments afterinsurance companies review the appointments that were made for thepatient.
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