Question: 1. A normal chromosome has several loci with the order ABC •
DEFGHI (the dot is the centromere). …

1. A normal chromosome has several loci with the order ABC •
DEFGHI (the dot is the centromere). A person inherits one copy of
this chromosome from one parent, but the second copy from the other
parent has an inversion of the C • DEF segment.

a) What type of inversion is this? (1 point)

b) Draw how the two chromosomes will synapse at Prophase I of
meiosis. Include the gene loci and centromeres in the drawing. (3

c) Suppose that during Prophase I there is a crossover between
the D and E loci. What are the contents and orders of loci in the
four chromatids produced from meiosis? Indicate which of these
products would likely lead to inviable offspring. (6 points)

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