1. A nurse is caring for a client who was admitted to the ER forsevere pain following a fall from a ladder. The client reportstaking opioid prescription for chronic pain. Which of the followingprescriptions for initial pain relief should the nursequestion?

a .morphine sulfate

b. naloxone

c fentanil

d Hydromorphone.

2. a nurse is caring for two clients who are 2 h postoperativefollowing the same procedure. which of the following should thenurse expect to be similar for both client?

a. perception of the intensity of postoperative pain

b. prescriptions containing guidelines for pain medicationadministration

c. goal of pain management

d. level of pain indicated by each client on a numeric painscale

c. goal of pain manageent for each client

d. level of pain indicated by each client on a numeric painscale

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