1.   At what age is a person’s value system wellestablished?

A.      5

B.     8

C.     10

D.     12

2. How does a culturally sensitive nurse care for a patient witha different value system?

A.      The nurse is open andnonjudgmental.

B.     The nurse treats all patientsthe same without concern for their value system.

C.     The nurse explains thedifferences between the two value systems.

D.     The nurse abandons his or herown value system.

3. An 80-year-old Orthodox Jewish patient dies in the hospital.What should be the first action by the nurse?

A.      Notify the rabbi to send amember of the synagogue to stay with the body.

B.     Inform the mortuary about thedesire of the patient to be cremated.

C.     Prepare the body for the ritualbath by temple members before embalming.

D.     Facilitate removal of the bodybecause the burial must take place 48 hours after death.

4. The nurse is careful not to remove the yarmulke from the headof the Jewish patient. What does the yarmulke symbolize?

A.      Having beencircumcised

B.     The belief that God is higherthan man

C.     God’s endless love andprotection

D.     The justice of Talmudic law

5. What menu items would be inappropriate for a Muslimpatient?

A.      Fish and tomatoes

B.     Liver and onions

C.     Chicken and broccoli

D.     Pork chops and sweetpotatoes

6. Who does the home health nurse expect her 85-year-oldHispanic patient will seek health advice from?

A.      Local pharmacist forprescription drugs

B.     Folk healer (curandero)

C.     Priest of her church

D.     Close family members

7. What is included in the spiritual beliefs of many NativeAmericans?

A.      There is no life afterdeath.

B.     All things in the world have aspirit.

C.     After death, the spirit stays aspart of the tribe.

D.     The spirit world is theprotector of health.

8.   What would an 80-year-old African-American womanmost likely believe would aid in improving her health?

A.      Eating fresh fruits andvegetables

B.     Daily exercise

C.     A visit from her pastor to prayfor her recovery

D.     The close attendance of herfamily

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