1.Describe the organization or the shape of this essay. How doesit align with the classical rhetorical structure
2. Provide feedback on the thesis statement: it is a onesentence? an accurate prediction of the organization and content ofthe essay?, a debatable claim with reasons?
3. How effective is the support for the claim? Describe how theclaim is supported–quantitatively (with numbers and stats),qualitatively (with logic and language), or both. Be specific.
4. How well are counterarguments developed? Describe them. Whatother counterarguments might the author be overlooking?
5. Notice transitions specifically. Are they effective, or doesthe author shift topics abruptly?
6. How well are quotes integrated? Is the speaker referencedclearly?
8. Identify any awkward sentence structures or places where youstruggled to understand the text. You could also suggest combiningsome sentences.
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