1. For sections a and b: Go to the SEER* Explorer webpage of theSurveillance, Epidemiology and Ends Results Program (SEER) of theNational Cancer Institute: https://seer.cancer.gov/explorer/

Before answering the questions below, explore as much as you canin the SEER* Explorer site. Get familiar with the tabs, and optionsto select, and make note of how the data are displayed. ‘Playaround’ with the drop-down menus, tabs, options to select, etc.It’s a great site full of interesting data. Check out bottom tabs:methodology and data source

a. Examine the incidence rates for colorectal cancer over timein the U.S. between 2000 and 2016 (0.4 points).

• Click the ‘get started’ button

• In the top left under “choose cancer site,” choose ‘colon andrectum’ from the drop-down menu

• Calculate the overall “SEER incidence” for “colon and rectum”o The default is “recent trends” but click on the tab “long-termtrends”

o Re characteristics to compare: play around with how the ratesare portrayed when selecting the various characteristics—start withsex (it just alters the graph but the table below is what you willneed to answer the questions)

o Select “both sexes,” “all races,” and “all ages”

o Select “observed rates”

o In more options, Do not worry about ‘precision’—just leave itat 0.1 (the default); Select “rates” under table display

Please note: data updates as options are selected

Answer below:

• What is the incidence rate in 2000?

• And in 2016?

• Describe the incidence rate trend over time in the U.S. forcolorectal cancer (note the highest year)

b. Calculate the incidence rates for colorectal cancer for womenand men according to race/ethnicity (Black and White only) (0.4points).

• While in the same place where you answered ‘a’ above,

• Select the tab, “recent trends”

• Now select “race/ethnicity” under characteristics to compare;then select “female,” “male,” “black,” “white”

Answer below:

What are the incidence rates for colorectal cancer for women andmen according to race (Black and White) for the most recent yearavailable? (please note: the default is female—look at upper middrop down menu right under title, and you will see: female and canselect male)

• White female

• White male

• Black female

• Black male

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