1. Mr. Serafica was the medical technologist assigned on the AMwarding. He entered the room of a patient with liver cancer. Hisveins were not readily palpable, and no other sites can be used soMr. Serafica decided to collect blood from the legs of the patient.These sites are avoided because

a. May cause paralysis of the patient

b. The veins have tendency to roll

c. clot formation when drawing blood

d. ask permission from the physician

2. Which of the following is NOT the correct statement about thevenipuncture using winged butterfly collection system?

a. Hold skin taut with non-dominant thumb and insert needle at a8-degree angle with the bevel up.

b. Fill tubes until the vacuum is exhausted to ensure the propelof blood to anticoagulant ratio and remove the tube from theholder

3. Which of the following step a phlebotomist should do toprepare the pediatric patient and the parent before bloodextraction?

a. Use anesthetics to decrease the pain of blood extraction

b. Assess patient and parent’s past experience with bloodextraction

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