1. The client is reviewing the dietary of an adolescent femaleclient. I have been counting my calories. I have been counting mycalories because I do not want to gain weight. Which statement bythe nurse is appropriate?

A. your body mass index is in the normal range of your age.which means you are not overweight.

B. I will have you keep a food diary to make sure you are eatinggood foods.

C. As long as you eat at least three meals a day you should befine.

D. Monitoring your calories now will help you stay healthy intoadulthood.

2. The nurse is reviewing the health history of a client duringan annual physical exam. The nurse note that the client has had anincrease in body mass index (BMI) measurement. Which statement bythe nurse would be appropriate?

A. Are you happy with how you look.

B. What type of food do you eat.

C. Has there been reason to eat more.

D. Have you experience any changes in your life that arestressful.

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