1) The following excerpt refers to the authors’ attempt toestablish which type of validity:
“Participants completed the survey and then a trained interviewerasked questions encouraging participants to verbalize their thoughtprocess as they reviewed each question. We assessed whetherparticipants interpreted the items as we intended, the adequacy ofthe response categories, and the variability of the itemresponses
- Face validity
- Predictive validity
2) Identify the type of sampling design described below.
Every 30th patient admitted to the emergency department at ValleyMedical Center between June and December.
- Systematic sampling
- Simple random sampling
- Cluster sampling
3) Identify the type of sampling design described below.
A sample of 300 physicians randomly selected from a roster of theAmerican Medical Association members.
- Simple random sampling
- Cluster sampling
4) To compare the mean depression scores in patients treatedwith two different antidepressants, which statistical test wouldyou use?
- Probability sampling
- Consecutive sampling
- Convenience sampling
5) Which of the following should NOT be considered whenestimating the sample size?
- Internal consistency or measures
- Effect size
- Dropouts
6) To evaluate the impact of influenza vaccine text messagereminders in a low-income group of pregnant women, which of thefollowing is an exclusion criteria?
- Not having a cell phone
- planning to move over the next three months
- pregnancy
7) We recruited adult smokers who were addicted to tobacco,defined as those who smoked at least 15 cigarettes or 12.5 grams ofloose-leaf tobacco daily…” This excerpt refers
- Inclusion criteria
- Exclusion criteria
8) We developed the first draft [of the Humanitarian EmergencySettings Perceived Needs] scale… by extracting items from grayand peer-reviewed literature directly documenting emergencyaffected people’s views of perceived needs, such as previoushumanitarian needs assessments, existing assessment reports ofnongovernmental organizations, and published journal articles onperceived need.” The aforementioned process refers to:
- Content validity
- Internal reliability
9) “In the current validation study, 912 patients answeredquestionnaires on an Ipad within 48 h of their admission at theemergency department. This is referred as Time 1 (T1) … Asubsample of 151 participants answered the questionnaires a secondtime within a 30-day interval just before they were discharged fromthe hospital. This is referred at Time 2 (T2).”
Based on the above excerpt and this week’s material, what in youropinion is the most likely reason to collect data at two points intime. To check for:
- Test-retest reliability
- Content validity
10) All of the following are true about a cohort researchdesign,
- Expensive to conduct
- Prospective
- Allows for the calculation of incidence