1. What are castcomplications regarding compartment syndrome? What typeof S & S will the nurse assess, and which action should thenurse do?

2. Caring for aninfant diagnosed with coarctation of the aorta. What type ofassessment findings will the nurse?

3. With a client of10 weeks pregnant, needs to increase her folic acid consumption.Which diet supplements should the nurse instruct this client toeat?

4.The client statesthe burns occurred when she leaned into a hot oven with the ovendoor open while it was pressing into her legs. She noticed the redmarks and blisters after several minutes. Which signs and symptomsshould the nurseassess in this client?

5. A client newlydiagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus, is brought to theemergency department experiencing a sudden onset of confusion andlethargy. Which of the following should the nurse do first toassist this client? Choose the answer and explain why.

1.Measure bloodglucose
3.Provide OrangeJuice
4.InsertaIV line access tobegin fluid administration

6. A client withthe nursing diagnosis of Impaired cardiac output, has a centralvenous pressure reading of 10 mm Hg. What does this reading suggestto the nurse?

7.A client diagnosedwith heart failure is prescribed to receive 2 units of packed redblood cells over the next 12 hours. Which are the measuresthe nurseshoulddo to ensure thisclient’s cardiovascular and respiratory statuses?

8. The nurse,preparing to administer a prescribed inoculation to a3-yearold child, is concerned thatthe child will not be able to cooperate while receiving theinjection. Which are some of the strategies thenurse can use?

9. A clientdiagnosed with tinea versicolor is prescribed selenium sulfide(Selsun) to be applied to the affected areas daily. Whichare theinstructions the nurse should explain tothe clientregarding this medication?

10. A clientdiagnosed with acute hypoglycemia is prescribed an intravenousinfusion of Dextrose 10% and water. What should the nurse do tofacilitate the infusion for this client?

11. A client withadventitious lung sounds has a non-productive cough.Whatshould thenurse do to assist this client?

12. The nurse isproviding discharge instructions to the parents of a childrecovering from cardiac surgery to correct Tetralogyof Fallot.Whatshould be includedin these instructions?

13. The nurse ispreparing to draw blood and insert an intravenous access line intoa client diagnosed positive forHuman Immunodeficiency Virus.Whatare thefollowing personal protective equipment should the nurse wear toconduct these procedures?

14. The nurse,caring for a newborn infant, should be prepared to administer whichinoculations?

15. The parents ofa 5-month-old baby diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of thehip are concerned that the baby is developing skin breakdown fromthe Pavlik harness. What should the nurse instruct to these parents?

16. A client,recovering from a cholecystectomy, had 50 ml of bile-coloreddrainage over 8 hours from a T-tube in the incisional site.Whatshould the nurse doto assist this client?

17. A client,recovering from a cholecystectomy, had 50 ml of bile-coloreddrainage over 8 hours from a T-tube in the incisional site.Whatshould the nurse doto assist this client?

18. A clientdiagnosed with a cervical spinal cord injury is experiencingprofuse sweating and a blood pressure of 200/120 mm Hg.Whatdo these assessmentfindings indicate to the nurse? (KNOW about Autonomicdysreflexia)

19. A client withdiabetes mellitus and a capillary blood glucose level of 120 mg/dlis complaining of blurred vision. What should the nurse do toassist this client?

20. The nurse,caring for a client recovering from surgery to remove a pituitarytumor, has a urine output of 2500 ml in 12 hours with a urinespecific gravity of 1.002. What doesthisinformation suggest to thenurse? (What condition can the client develop with this conditionand Symptoms)

21. The nurse iscaring for an 18-month-old client diagnosed with respiratorysyncytial virus. What interventionsshould be includedin this client’s plan of care? (What is RSV and what is a plan ofcare for this type of client?

22. The nurse isturning and repositioning a client recovering from a cerebralvascular accident. The client was placed in the right lateralposition for 2 hours. In which position should the nurse turnthe client at this time?

23. An elderlyclient, diagnosed with end stage renal disease, wants to havehemodialysis for treatment. The client’s family asks the physicianto tell the client that hemodialysis is not recommended since itunnecessarily prolonging his life and add additional stress andagony to the family and him. What should the nurse do to assistthis client? (Think about the legal and ethical responsibilities ofthe nurse)

24. An adolescentclient, managing juvenile onset diabetes mellitus for 10 years, isself-administering 6 to 8 injections of insulin every day. Whichmethods of insulin administration should be considered for thisclient?

25. A clientrecovering from surgery has had no urine output for 6 hours. Whatshould the nurse do with the Digoxin medication dose duenow?

26. A client,diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis, is receiving treatment andbed rest for the disorder. What assessment findings wouldindicate that treatment is being effective?

27. A 2-month-oldinfant is scheduled for surgery to correct pyloric stenosis.Whatshould the nurseinclude in post-operative instructions to the parents?

28. A client with along leg cast is admitted with a foul odor of the cast andedematous toes. Which type of questions should the nurse ask thisclient during the assessment process?

29. A newborn,diagnosed with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, is found to be agenetic female. What should the nurse do to supportthe parents of this newborn?

30. A femaleclient, a victim of a sexual assault, comes into the emergencydepartment for treatment. What should the nurse do first to assistthis client?

31. A client whofollows a vegetarian eating plan is demonstrating signs of poorwound healing after surgery. What should the nurse instruct theclient to eat to improve the healing of this surgicalwound?

32. A client tellsthe nurse that she has palpated a lump in her breast during herlast breast self-examination. The client’s lastmenstrual period was two weeksprior. What should the nurse tell the client to doin referenceto herassessment? (Position)

33. A clientexperienced toxicity from a medication with a prolonged half-life.After receiving one dose of an antagonistic medication, the clientcontinues to demonstrate signs of toxicity. What should the nurseprepare to do to help this client?

34. A client isprescribed to receive 3 liters of total parenteral nutrition and ½liter of intralipids over every 24 hours. How many milliliters offluid will the client receive every hour? (Enter numeric valueonly. If rounding is required, round to the nearestwholenumber).

35. An adolescentrecovering from acute osteomyelitis of the lower leg tells thenurse that he is looking forward to going home and resuming hisnormal activities. What should the nurse respond to thisclient?

36. A clientreceiving a continuous intravenous infusion of Dextrose 5% and0.45% normal saline has gained one pound a day for several days.The client tells the nurse that she is gaining too much weight andwill need to cut back on her eating. What should the nurse respondto this client?

38. Which of thefollowing should the nurse instruct a preoperative client to prevent theonset of deep vein thrombosis? (Know all DVT prevention measures aclient can do.)

39. The nurse ispouring tepid water over the chest and back of a preschool agechild. Which is the purpose of this intervention? For what type ofsymptom would a nurse instruct this intervention.

40. The nurse tellsan elderly client that someone will come to the client’s room everyhour to assist with any needs. Which instructions should the nurseprovide to theclient?

41. After delivery,the nurse assesses a client and determines that the bladder isdistended. What should the nurse do to assist thisclient?

42. The mother of aschool-age child is upset to learn that the child is in the loungewith “sick children” so soon after having an appendectomy. Whattype of activity should the nurse explain to the mother the childshould have according to Erikson’s theory of psychosocialdevelopment?

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