1. what part of the bone matrix for bones to be flexible?
2. If the dorsal root of the spinal cord segment is served ( cut) which of the following listed below would you expect to see?
a. sensations from both limbs and organs would be blocked
b. visceral organs will not get signals to contract
c. skeletal muscle will not signals to contract
d. only sensation from the limbs would be blocked
3. If the ventral root of the spinal cord segment was cut inhalf what would you expect?
A. only visceral organs would not get the signals tocontract
b. visceral organs and skeletal muscles will not get signals tocontract
c. skeletal muscles will not get signals to contract
4. You have been spinning in a circle very fast for 1 wholeminute and suddenly you stop. your friends then bet you that youcannot run in a straight line. so you start running immediately.why are you not running in a straight line?
5. what is the function of the tensor tympani muscle?
6. The ligaments that limit the anterior- posterior movement ofthe femur and maintains the alignment of the femoral and tibialcondyles are the—————–ligaments.
d. signals of sensations would not go to the brain.