can someone help me answer these muliple choicequestions.
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1. Which of the following components takes into account how long an anesthesia procedure took to complete, from start to finish? 5. Which physical status modifiers would be used for a patient with a severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life? a. Base units b. Time units c Physical status d. CPT code a. P6 b. P5 c. P4 d. P3 2. Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating the amount billed for anesthesia services? a. B+T+CF=M b. (B + T + M) = CF c. CF (B+T+M) d. B+T+M+CF 6. Which qualifying circumstance code should be reported for a patient who received anesthesia under controlled hypothermia? a. 99100 b. 99116 c. 99135 d. 99140 3. Which of the following units takes into consideration the relative value for each anesthesia service? 7. How many unit values are assigned for quali- fying circumstance code 99140? a. 1 b. 2 c. 5 d. 4 a. Base b. Time c. Physical status modifiers d. Conversion factor 4. Time units for most commercial payers are reported in increments of how many minutes? a. 1 minute b. 7.5 minutes c. 30 minutes d. 15 minutes 8. Which type of anesthesia blocks a small amount of nerves using an injection, topical cream, or spray? a. Local b. Regional c. General d. Moderate (conscious) sedation
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