17) View Table 3. Was there a statistically significant changein physical activity & student status, how do you know? 

A) Yes, there was a statistically significant change in physicalactivity & student status, p > 0.05.

B) No, there was no statistically significant change in physicalactivity & student status, p > 0.05.

C) Yes, there was a statistically significant change in physicalactivity & student status, p < 0.05.

D) No, there was no statistically significant change in physicalactivity & student status, p < 0.05.

18) In Table 3, was there a significant association betweenstudent status & sleep quality? How do you know?

A)No, there was no significant association between sleepquality & student status because p < 0.05.

B) Yes, there was a significant association between sleepquality & student status because p < 0.05.

C) Yes, there was a significant association between sleepquality & student status because p > 0.05.

TABLE 3 | Associations between socio-demographic circumstances, COVID-19 induced change, and health behaviors. Changes in Alc D) No, there was nosignificant association between sleep quality & student statusbecause p > 0.05.

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TABLE 3 | Associations between socio-demographic circumstances, COVID-19 induced change, and health behaviors. Changes in Alcohol Consumption Diet Sleep Quality Physical Activity x2 df p x2 df p x2 df р x2 df р 5.913 4 0.206 4 4 8 8 2.894 10.987 7.609 8 0.033 0.103 0.470 0.913 0.875 4 0.131 0.045 0.884 4 12.480 9.768 1.166 1.572 4 0.576 0.202 0.107 0.791 0.286 Child(ren) at home 10.474 4 Student status 13.279 8 Work status change 3.552 4 COVID-19 (Self) 0.981 4 COVID-19 (Household) 1.221 4 Shielding status 6.439 4 Vulnerability status 6.859 Self-isolation status 1.652 4 Significant p-values (one-tailed) highlighted in bold. 4 0.418 0.012 0.763 0.921 0.017 1.697 4 3.916 19.481 1.849 0.926 12.055 5.696 7.953 4 4 5.011 4 4 4 4 0.814 0.659 0.323 0.169 0.144 4 2.420 4.666 13.200 8.440 0.010 0.077 0.223 0.093 4 4 4 4 4 0.799 3.906 4 4 0.419 3.877 0.423 6.200 4 0.185
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