(1)Use your understanding of current research knowledge aboutthe different forms of dementia to complete the following table,briefly describing the cause and symptoms of each form of dementia.Condition Cause Symptoms Alzheimer’s, Vascular Dementia,Huntington’s Parkinson’s, and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD),Younger onset dementia
2) List three symptoms of each of the three stages of dementia.(Approx. 50 words for each stage – i.e. mild, moderate andsevere).
3) Every aspect of the environment will generally affect aperson with a form of dementia. It will affect how they feel, howthey act, their skills and their communication. Outline how youcould support a person with dementia by managing the followingthree environments:
- The Physical Environment
- The Social Environment
- The Emotional Environment
(Approx. 50 words each).
4) Abuse can be intentional or unintentional. Intentional abuseis when a person deliberately causes harm to the other person bydepriving and/or hurting the other person, while unintentionalabuse can occur when another person doesn’t realise that theirbehaviour towards the person with support needs is abusive.
Abuse can be fall into different categories, including:
- physical abuse
- financial abuse
- emotional abuse
- neglect.
Choose one of the forms of abuse from this list. Describe thisform of abuse, outline the indicators that you might notice, thatsuggest this form of abuse is occurring and explain what youractions would be if you suspect abuse is occurring. (Approx. 100words).
5). According to the Dementia Australia website, there iscurrently no cure for Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia ie. Itis a progressive disease, and medical intervention cannot beapplied to ‘cure’ the person. Instead, you can help by recognisingany triggers and then treating their underlying cause.
Explain the ‘Needs Driven Behaviour Model’ and identify twobehaviours of concern that you might observe. (Approx. 50words).
6). Sharing your insights on and experiences with a person withdementia can benefit the whole team. As each team membercontributes new information, you can all piece together a biggerpicture of who the person is and what their individual needsare.
What are three pieces of information that you might be able toshare during a team discussion on support planning and review?(Approx. 50 words).
7). Dementia is a progressive neurological condition. Using yourunderstanding of up to date research on dementia, explain how eachof the following pathological features will affect a person withdementia.
Pathological features:
- amyloid plaques
- neurofibrillary tangles
- loss of connection between cells and cell death.
(Approx. 100 words).
8). What would be appropriate self-care strategies that youcould adopt when working with people with dementia and what formsof support could you seek. (Approx. 50 words).
9). Briefly describe how you would monitor your own stress levelin relation to working with people with dementia. (Approx. 50words).
10). Describe one factor that you would need to take intoaccount when using a person-centered approach to care for a personwith dementia. (Approx. 50 words).