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2 Cavidanud changes that our modification of the organi chat the com ed the wing change Adding a new administrative department for cris and management The new ministrative unit have been added a very from lection A new strative potion (upervisor) has been donde se administrative department for me and management The ting pediatric word (w) hermodeled and will become ed words – Female wote whe words will have direct contact with new stive department crisis and risk management . State approval has been rated for speed came word male and The exting pediatricianie care unit (PACU) word will be remot and will become an wensive care ut fortal case of Cavid-1 the-bed). These words will have a direct contact wiwitive sepertment for androk management The newe-edit and one wivedincantat the pharmacy and storytments where problems or changes might cor. In part to identify change the intentand how these changes will affect Based on the previous information and Figure 1 of me option chart of Yantu Hospital answer the following questions • Idently the type of the organisational chart, long, tut, med . Add these changes on the old organisation dating stal and ine position. Ove the tale for your decisions • Deserbe the new chain of command (minimum • Where do you believe there might be conflict in the new that Wimum of ** Figure 11 Organication chart of Yanbu Hospital
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