2.The nurse administered the scheduled typical antipsychoticchlorpromazine (thorazine) 400 mg PO at 8am. At 9:30 am the nurseobserves the patient experiencing involuntary muscle spasms of theface and neck with his head rotated to on side.

a. Assess the patient for tardive dyskinesia and administerlorazepam as ordered b. Assess the patients for dystonia andadminister diphenhydramine Benadryl) as ordered C. assess thepatient for akathisia and administef propranolol ( inderal) asordered D. Asess the patient for akinesia and administertrihexyphenidyl (artane) as ordered

4.A female college student was drugged last night awithRohypnol(date rape drug) at a party and subsequently raped. Whichof the following responses would suggest the women is at risk ofsilent rape syndrome?

A. The women experiences intense shame a quilt after the assaultB. The women delays seeking treatment and goes to the clinic amonth later C. The woman is determined that she will tell no oneabout the assault D. The woman tells her roommate at school aboutthe assault and no one else

5.The patient diagnosed with parkinsons disease is being with afever and patchy infiltrates in the lung fields on the chest xray,aspiration pneumonia us suspected. Which clinical manifestation ofPD would explain the high risk of aspiration pneumonia.

a. difficulty swallowing and immobility B. Difficulty deepbreathing C. Difficulty breathing and bradykinesia D. Mask likeexpressions and shuffling gait .

7.The nurse is planning discharge for a patient recovering froma stroke. Which of the following core measures should nurseensure?

a. Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation patients b. Stresstest to evaluate cardiac function c. Antihypertensive medicationfor patients with stroke d. Yearly CT scan of the head

8. A patient is diagnosed with a right sided stroke. The patientis now experiencing hemianopsia. How might the nurse help thepatient manage sensory and perceptual difficulties?

a. Place the patients clock on the affected side b. keep thelighting in the room bright C. talk to the patient on the sidewhere vision is affected D. Approach the patient from theunaffected side

9. A frightened young woman calls the emergency department andtearfully tells the nurse, I’ve been raped! Please help me out!”What assessment data should the nurse collect from the patient?

a. could the patient get to the hospital safely, had a showeredor change clothes b. was the patient injured, in a safe place, andhad transportation available c. Did the patient know the assailant,know her location, and had contacted the police. d. Had patientcalled the police was on birth control and had douched.

10. A school nurse is called to the playground where a 6 yearold has been found unresponsive and staring into space according tothe playground supervisor. The nurse documents the girls activityas an absence seizure. What is the most important diagnostic toolfor definitive evaluation of this seizure?

a. EEG b. Ct scan of the head c. ECG d. MRI.MRA of the brain

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