2. Using the FASTA format of the HOXD13 transcript ,translatethe three forward frames of the transcript. What is the correctreading frame (Frame 1, 2 or 3) [1 mark]?

In your report, paste a FASTA format of the translated HOXD13protein, and in the figure legend indicate the number of aminoacids in the HOXD13 protein, the total length of the Homo sapiensHOXD13 mRNA transcript, the nucleotide accession number for thistranscript, and the number of 5’ and 3’ nucleotides that are nottranslated [5 marks]

3. Construct a multiple protein sequence alignment using humanHOXD13 and 9 other orthologues of human HOXD13. In the figurelegend, describe what is being shown, and specify the size (startand stop number of amino acid) and location of conserved domain(s)in HOXD13 [5 marks

4. In FASTA format, download the following Human proteinsequences for HOXA13, HOXB13, HOXC13, HOXD13; using the ALIGNfunction in UniProt, generate a multiple protein sequencealignment. In the figure legend, describe what is being shown(orthologues or paralogues?), and comment on DNA conservation,including a comparison with the alignment presented in question 3[5 marks]

5. In a table,identify and list 5 mutations in human HOXD13 thathave clinically relevant phenotypes. Individual columns need to 1)Identify the position of the mutation (amino acid number andchange); Identify the type of mutation (missense, nonsense,frameshift etc.); the likely effect of the mutation on proteinfunction; the clinical phenotype of the mutation [10 marks, totalof 2 marks per mutation]

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