35) Fatty liver may be exacerbated by overfeeding which of thefollowing?

CHO, Cal

Cal, Pro

CHO, Pro

All of the above

36) All of the following are signs of hepatic insufficiencyexcept

Black stools


Dark urine


37) Fluid and sodium restrictions for the hepatic pt. areassessed individually based on one’s

Serum Na level

Severity of Ascites

Blood pressure

All of the above


A Stage IV HE pt. is adm and the order is for the RD assess foran enteral tube feeding.  GI: BS + x 4, no n, v, c.Marked hepatomegaly present.  Diarrhea present due tolactulose admn.  What would you recommend?

An NJ tube

A G-tube or J-tube

An NG tube

An ND tube

A PEG or PEJ tube

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