Question: 35. What is the name of the morphogen that initiates patterning
along the belly-toback (dorsal-ve…

35. What is the name of the morphogen that initiates patterning
along the belly-toback (dorsal-ventral) axis of the fruit fly

36. Name two genes activated in
ventral regions of the embryo by high levels of Dorsal. What do
each of these two genes do to promote mesoderm

37. What is the key gene that
promotes development of the dorsal epidermis (skin) in fruit flies?
38. What is the default state of ectodermal cells in the early
fruit fly embryo?

39. Name two genes required for
formation of the lateral neuroectoderm in the fruit fly

40. What is the function of the
short gastrulation (sog) gene in the neuroectoderm and how is this
related to the default state of ectodermal cells?

41. What is the function of the
brinker (brk) gene? How does this function compare to that of

42. What function of Sog in
patterning the dorsal non-neural ectoderm? What role does the
tolloid (tld) gene play in this aspect of Sog activity?

43. What is the function of the
neural identity genes vnd, ind, and msh? What types of proteins do
these genes encode?

44. What is meant by ventral
dominant repression among neural identity genes?

45. How does Dpp signaling
influence the expression of neural identity genes? How is this
function of Dpp used to help create the relative pattern of msh and
ind expression?

46. Besides Dpp signaling, what
morphogen regulates expression of neural identity genes? Which
neural identity gene is most dependent on this molecule for being

47. What external event
determines the location of the ventral pole of the frog embryo? 48.
What maternal morphogen in frogs plays a critical role in
establishing the dorsalventral axis? At which pole is this factor
most concentrated?

49. What tissue types do the
vegetal and animal hemispheres of the frog give rise to? Indicate
the relative positions of these three tissue types on a drawing of
a frog blastoderm stage embryo.

50. Where is Veg-T expressed in
the early frog embryo? How does Veg-T lead to mesoderm induction in
neighboring cells? 51. What two patterning mechanisms collaborate
to induce expression of genes (e.g., chordin) in the Spemann
Organizer of the frog embryo?

52. How is the anterior-posterior
axis of the frog embryo oriented with respect to the

53. How is the anterior-posterior
axis of the frog embryo oriented with respect to the

54. What genes are involved in
determining segment identity in vertebrates? What are the fly
counterparts of these genes called?

55. How are segment identity
genes expressed in flies and vertebrates?

56. What are two properties of segment identity
genes that can be used to equate a particular gene in flies with
its counterpart in vertebrates?

57. What happens when the fly
Antennapedia gene is misexpressed in the head of a fly? Why does
this happen?

58. What happened when Bill
McGinnis misexpressed the mouse counterpart of Antennapedia (Hox 6)
in the fly head? What important conclusion did he and his
colleagues come to based on the results of these

Short answers are fine.

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