4.A female college student was drugged last night awithRohypnol(date rape drug) at a party and subsequently raped. Whichof the following responses would suggest the women is at risk ofsilent rape syndrome?

A. The women experiences intense shame a quilt after the assaultB. The women delays seeking treatment and goes to the clinic amonth later C. The woman is determined that she will tell no oneabout the assault D. The woman tells her roommate at school aboutthe assault and no one else

5.The patient diagnosed with parkinsons disease is being with afever and patchy infiltrates in the lung fields on the chest xray,aspiration pneumonia us suspected. Which clinical manifestation ofPD would explain the high risk of aspiration pneumonia.

a. difficulty swallowing and immobility B. Difficulty deepbreathing C. Difficulty breathing and bradykinesia D. Mask likeexpressions and shuffling gait .

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