55 year old male admitted to Chamberlain Hospital ED withcomplaints of feeling short of breath, extreme fatigue andconsistent pain in legs. On assessment nurses observes that hislegs are swollen. He looks malnourished. He reports he is homeless.He thinks his breathing issues have worsened ‘I wake up gasping forbreaths.” He reports taking his medication but confesses ‘I takepills only when I can catch a bus to the community clinic”. Thesemedications include a “water pill that makes me urinate a bit toomuch’. Vital Signs. Heart rate is elevated, temperature is normal.Client is
Subjective data:
Objective data:
Questions you will ask this patient:
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs what issues you mustaddress first:
Nursing Dx:
Health model this patient is following:
2 days later client is diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. Thehospital staff is concerned for his health but also for lack ofhealthcare insurance coverage. Client does not qualify for Medicaredue to his age. On his fourth day in the hospital the client leavesthe hospital. He tells the nurse that he feels out of place andneeds to return to the streets. The nurse has no option but to letthe client leave though she fears this client will not survive theharsh winters. But she tries to comfort the client by saying “stayhopeful and beat this cancer”.
What is justice?
One of the goals of HP 2020 is to eliminate disparities. Have wemet this goal?
What is Autonomy? How will you apply this code of ethics ofJustice to this client?
Define Beneficence?
Was the code of ethics “Do No Harm” violated?
By stating “stay hopeful? The nurse broke which code ofEthics?