7. In a case-control study the association was examined betweensmoking and risk of Parkinson’s disease. The table below providesthe results. Find the following;
a. Odds ratio
b. Attributable Risk
c. Risk Ratio
d. Risk Difference
cancer | No cancer | |
smoker | 60 | 33 |
non smoker | 40 | 65 |
8. A prospective study with a 2-year (24-month) follow-up wasconducted. Results are shown in the table for individuals whoeither died or were censored before the end of the follow-upperiod. Below is the survival data for 20 participants ofhypothetical prospective study.
Follow-up time (months) | Event |
2 | Death |
4 | Censored |
7 | Censored |
8 | Death |
12 | Censored |
15 | Death |
17 | Death |
19 | Death |
20 | Censored |
23 | Death |
Using the table above: Calculate for all deaths (a -c):
a. the probability of death at the exact time when each deathoccurred.
b. the probability of survival beyond the time when each deathoccurred.
c. the cumulative probabilities of survival
d. What is the cumulative incidence at the end of the follow-upperiod?
e. What is the cumulative survival probability at the end of thefollow-up period?