A 43-year-old woman is experiencing intermittent colicky-typepain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, radiating to theright scapular region. The onset was approximately 1 week earlier.In the last few days, she has had nausea and vomiting, increasingin the last 24 hours. The pain is more severe today, and the emesisis bile colored. Vital signs are the following: temperature, 99.6°F; pulse, 96; respiration, 26; and blood pressure, 144/92 mm Hg.Her skin is warm and dry, slightly jaundiced. The patient issomewhat obese and has been on oral contraceptives for 15 years.Cholelithiasis is suggested. A CT scan of the gallbladder confirmsthe presence of stones in the gallbladder and also in the commonbile duct. Serum bilirubin is elevated. The patient is scheduledfor laparoscopic surgery.
1. Explain how gallstones develop.
2. Which type of person would be most likely to developgallstones?
3. Discuss the usual treatment for symptomatic gallstones.