A 45-year-old woman is seen in the office with a chief complaintof a 3-month history of “intermittent fevers,” sweating, andflushing. She describes these “fevers” as “feeling like a furnaceon the inside from the mid-chest to the top of my head.” She saysshe turns “beet red” and starts to sweat. These episodes only lasta few minutes but occur throughout the day and wake her up severaltimes at night. Her medical history is unremarkable. She reportsthat her menstrual cycles have been regular her entire life but arenow irregular; her last menstrual period was about 3 months ago.She takes no prescription medications. Her last annual exam withPap test was 2 years ago.
1. What questions would you ask to the patient?
2. What is differential, working diagnosis?
3. What is the diagnostic test?
4. What is the medication?
5. what is non-pharmacological treatment?
6. what education would you provide?