A64-year-old man presented with a two day history of an extremelypainful skin rash involving the left side of the face.Additionally, he stated he felt a burning pain to the same areabefore the rash started. He denies working outdoors or coming intocontact with unusual chemicals or hair/beauty products.
Previous medical history included a below knee amputations forintractable ulceration due to atherosclerosis and bilateral totalhip replacements for osteoarthritis. The patient is not treatedwith immunosuppressive drugs for the arthritis.
Onexamination, the patient was afebrile with normal temperature. Dermexam revealed grouped vesicles with erythema.
- What is your diagnosis and are your differentials?
- What testing might you do?
- What are the risks factors of your primary diagnosis and howshould they be mitigated?
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