A 67 y.o. (year old) female presents to the ER with increasing Llower abdominal pain for 3 days. She has had a fever of 102F forthe past 2 days, nausea and 3 episodes of bloody diarrhea sinceyesterday. Her past history is significant for diverticular diseaseand HTN (hypertension). She has been admitted 2 times previouslyfor diverticulitis, the last one being approximately 1 ½ yearsago.  On examination the patient is in moderate distressand febrile at 102.5F and her BP is 140/90.  Her abdomenis slightly distended and appreciably tender throughout the L lowerabdomen. The decision is made to admit her with diagnosis of acutediverticulitis.   

  1. Before beginning drug therapy, what 2 factors related to thehistory not present above must be known?
  1. ___________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________

  1. Name two bacteria (not just “gram-neg rods”) that you arefamiliar with that could possibly be causing this infection
  1. ________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________
  1. Before starting an antibiotic, name 4 factors that need to betaken into consideration with regard to the drug itself and thepatient.
  1. ____________________________________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________________________________
  4. ____________________________________________________________________
  1. Based on your answers to #3, what would be the BEST CHOICE foran antibiotic at this time?________________________________________________
  2. What type of “diet order” should be given for thispatient?_______________________
  3. What “activity level” should be assigned for this patient atthis time? (take into consideration the history above, patient age,elimination needs; Ex; bed rest, bed rest with bedside commode,etc.)


On day 2 of admission during the night, the patients feverspikes to 104F.  Her skin is ‘cool and moist’ and her BPdrops to 90/60.  On exam, her abdomen is now “rigid” andacutely tender in the LLQ (left lower quadrant).

  1. Given the above information, what has the patient developedsecondary to herinfection?___________________________________________________________
  2. What has most likely occurred related to her initial diagnosisand “disease location” that has produced the change in her status?___________________________________________________________
  3. The “rigid abdomen” is a likely indicator that she isdeveloping or hasdeveloped________________________________secondary to your answerin #8.
  4. Given the above changes, where should this patient betransferred to in the hospital at thistime?_______________________________________________________________
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