A 68year old male with post-op cardio thoracic patient was justextubated following a CABG x 2. The patient CXR is presented to theleft and the MD want your recommendation to treat his condition.The patient complain of pain, however, the patient is motivate todo whatever it take to get healthy to return home. The patientvital signs are HR 84, BP126/89, RR 18, SpO2 98% on 1 L/min, and a Temp of 97.6 degree. Thepatient has a weak non-productive cough and breath sound revealfine faint late inspiratory crackles at the lower bases and scattercourse crackles throughout all lungs fields.
1.From the CXR and the patient history and assessment, what do youbelieve is the cause of his condition and breath sound. Pleaseexplain what you believed is producing the fine faint late inspiratory crackles andscatter course crackles.
2.What would be your recommend to the doctor to treat this patientwith his condition, CXR, and breath sound?
3.Why do you believed your respiratory therapies would benefit thepatient? Please explain how each of your recommendation will helptreat this patient condition.