A group of researchers investigated the association between theconsumption of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages (SSCB) andobesity in children and adolescents from Navarra (Spain).Participants were recruited from paediatric departments at theNavarra Hospital and three primary health centres of Navarra. Cases(n=174) were children/adolescents with BMI above the age- andsex-specific 97th percentile according to the Spanish BMI referencechart. Controls (n=174) who were healthy children with BMI belowthe 97th percentile of the same reference were identified andmatched to sex and age (+-6 months). In total, 84 cases reportedSSCB consumption less than 1 serving/week and 90 cases reportedSSCB consumption more than 1 serving/week. Among controls, 103reported SSCB consumption less than 1 serving/week and 71 reportedSSCB consumption more than 1 serving/week.

a. What other research design could be used to answer thisquestion?

b. Construct a 2×2 table conveying information from the studydescribed above and calculate an appropriate measure of thestrength of the association between SSCB consumption and obesity.Provide an interpretation of this result in 1-2 sentences

c. What proportion of obesity in the overall Spanish child andadolescent population is potentially preventable, assuming a causalassociation between SSCB consumption and obesity?

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