- A teen is asking the nurse what to expect post-tonsillectomy.Which of the following should the nurse discuss as normalexpectation? (Select all that apply)
– a.) Halitosis
– b.) Sleep apnea
– c.) Swollen tongue
– d.) White scabs in the back of thethroat
– e.) Bleeding for 5 to 10 days aftersurgery
- A nurse is planning IV antibiotic therapy for an infant. Whichof the following is not correct? (Select all that apply)
– a.) Always require dilutemedications with 100 ml sterile water
– b.) Medications are usually given inweight-based doses
– c.) Infants rarely have allergicreactions to medications so checking allergies is not important
– d.) An IV cannot be left in aninfant, so a new one needs to be started for eachadministration
– e.) IV medications should be givenusing a pump
- In caring for a child with pertussis, which nursing actionswould be supportive of airway management?
– Feeding small, frequent meals
– Placing the child to dropletprecautions
– Reducing fluid intake
– Encouraging family members to getvaccinated
- In caring for a child with varicella, which nursing actionswould be supportive of pruritus management?
– Encouraging food and fluids
– Monitoring lesions for secondarybacterial infection
– Administering an antipyretic
– Bathing the child in oatmeal orcornstarch
- A nurse is conducting a community-based class on Sudden InfantDeath Syndrome (SIDS). Which of the following home safety teachingsare recommended?
– Place the baby on their back tosleep
– Use padding in the crib to preventbabies from rolling over
– Remove pillows and stuffed animalsfrom cribs
– Have the baby sleep next to an adultto know if they stop breathing at night
-Avoid smoking near the infant
- A nurse is working in a dermatology office is preparing a flyerfor a daycare on reducing sun exposure in toddlers. Which of thefollowing statements is not correct?
– Use SPF 30 or higher on children
– Sunscreen is water-resistant anddoes not need to be reapplied after swimming
– Limit sun exposure during 11 am to 3pm
– Wear long-sleeves and a wide-brimmedhat for extended periods of sun exposure
- A nurse is working with a mother to develop a care plan for achild with night terrors. Which of the following interventionsshould be included?
– Reduce daytime activities to preventoverstimulation at night
– Wake the child up during nightterrors to reduce distress
– Provide large meals just before bedto encourage staying asleep
– Pick up all toys in the bedroombefore bedtime for safety
- A nurse is assessing a child that came back positive for leadduring a routine screening at 2 years of age. Which of thefollowing is a symptom of lead poisoning?
– The child says “No” in response toevery question
– The child has a limited vocabularyof 10 words
– The parent reports a limited diet offinger foods and fruit
– The child is able to state theirname
- A nurse is assessing a 5-month old infant at a regularcheck-up. Which of the following assessment findings requiresfollow-up evaluation?
– The infant smiles when the nursecomes into the room
– The infant responds to sounds bymaking their own sounds
– The infant does not visually trackobjects
– The infant rolls over in bothdirections
- In administering immunizations to a 2-month old infant, whichof the following pain management techniques is the most appropriatefor the nurse to use?
– Topical lidocaine applied 15 minutesprior to the procedure
– Providing a pacifier during andpost-procedure
– A one-time dose of oral morphineprior to the procedure
– Distracting the infant using a loud,colorful toy
- A 10-year-old child is being prepared for an influenza vaccine.The child asks the nurse if the injection will hurt. Which is thebest response?
– Change the subject and say “It’s abeautiful day outside, isn’t it?”
– Be honest and answer, “Yes, for alittle bit”
– Say “NO, because you’re a big kid.It wont hurt a bit”
– Smile broadly and ask, “What do youthink”?
- A school-nurse us supervising drop-off and pick-up at theelementary school. Which of the following behaviors by the childrencould indicate a need for community education?
– An older child is noticed to bewaiting for a younger child prior to walking home
– Bicycle helmets are inconsistentlyworn, and most are ill-fitting
– The parent pick-up car line begins15 minutes prior to school release
– Children going on the bus arriveearly and wait outside for the cafeteria to open