After reviewing the readings for Week 11 and the “Ethical Limitsof Patient Satisfaction” case study, please answer thefollowing:
- The physician has the final decision with regard to granting ordenying a leave of absence and the terms of that leave. Withpressure from administration and the patient and strongrecommendations against the leave from the therapists, what wouldyou do if you were the physician?
- It is very important to the patient and his family to be partof his sister’s wedding. The family even postponed the weddingafter the patient’s initial accident to allow him time to stabilizemedically in order for him to leave the hospital to attend. Howwould you, as a therapist, have handled the situation?
- How would you as a health administrator mitigate the situationto please your customer (the patient and his family), thephysician, and your employees (the therapists and nurses)?
- Should the rules/policies of a hospital be flexible to appeasea patient and/or patient’s family? If so, in what situations and atwhose discretion? If the policies were upheld, how would that havechanged the situation?
- Accidents occur when a chain of errors occur, a series of poordecisions are made, or policies put in place for safety areignored. What are potential negative outcomes if the patient wereallowed to leave the hospital under these circumstances? Are theseconsequences worth the risk?
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