Alice works in a respite centre for people who have adisability. She has strong religious beliefs and is a supporter ofthe right to life movement. Imogen, who has a physical disability,has been staying at the respite centre and is 10 weeks pregnant.She has decided that she wants a termination.
Alice has been asked by her manager to accompany Imogen to anappointment at a women’s health centre to discuss her options. Therespite centre has a policy that supports self-determination andempowerment, and uses person-centred approaches to serviceprovision.
Alice’s job role description requires her to provide emotionaland practical support and to encourage people to make decisions andtake control of their own lives. Alice plans to take Imogen to apregnancy counselling service which is run by an anti-abortionorganisation before taking her to the women’s health centre.
Imogen has told Jasmine, one of the other respite centre supportworkers, that Alice is going to take her to the anti-abortionpregnancy counselling service. She says that she is worried theywill persuade her to change her mind about having atermination.
She also says Alice has been leaving anti-abortion literature inher room and has also asked her to attend a religious service withher. Alice has also suggested referring Imogen for counselling. Asthere is a long waiting list for subsidised counselling services,Alice has offered to refer Imogen to her cousin, who is in privatepractice as a psychologist.
1) Describe two professional ethical responsibilities Alice mustuphold towards Imogen, within the scope of her role.
2) In working with Imogen, describe at least one way Alice canensure non-judgmental service provision in spite of her conflictingpersonal values and attitudes.
3)Give at least 2 examples of how Alice has breached herorganisation’s code of conduct and explain why she has breached thecode.