Andy is an instructor at a local community college in Texas.Andy has worked in the military for 25 years, only recentlyretiring. Students in his criminal justice courses comment thathe’s very authoritative. He provides you with his experience andhis opinions even if they are unwanted. Andy is not open tostudent’s experiences, cultural differences, or opinions and thatis evident in his lecture. Andy is white and his classroom isdiverse. Last semester, the majority of students gave Andy a poorassessment and his job was in jeopardy. Larry is white and was alsoin the military for 10 years and can relate to Andy’s authoritarianset up in class and enjoys his level of teaching, it’s what heknows. The majority of students are from bordering communities inMexico. How can Andy improve his teaching skills moving forward?Choose all that apply.

A. Andy can provide questionnaires (anonymous if need be) to hisstudents on the first day of class about what they find to beimportant things to discuss.

B. Andy can be more like a facilitator than a lecturer offeringhis students a way to express their cultural background in anurturing environment.

C. Embrace the diversity

D. Andy is exhibiting ethnocentrism and should be terminated

E. Nothing, Andy has worked too long in the military and is notcapable of changing

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