answer the following

  1. What are two conditions that could cause severe pain onone side of the back and an urgent and frequent feeling of needingto urinate?

  2. These symptoms would automatically lead a doctor to do aurinalysis. Would the findings of a urinalysis alone give enoughinformation to differentiate between obstruction and a kidneyinfection? Explain.

  1. Images would probably be taken in order to differentiatewhich condition is present. What would you expect to see for eachcondition? Explain.

  1. Which of these conditions is present in the image fromyour patient? Explain.

  1. This patient’s anatomy is uncommon in another way. Whatother abnormality do you see?

  1. Why is it important to distinguish between ureterobstruction and kidney infection?

  1. What might happen to this patient if medical imagingwere not available?

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