answer this case questions
Chief Complaint
“I can’t take the pain and diarrhea anymore. I thought I could makeit until I got home to see my doctor but today I realized I neededto see someone.”
Bonnie Smith is a 32-year-old woman who presents to the ED with thechief complaint of a 1.5-week history of abdominal pain associatedwith cramping, bloody diarrhea, and mucus that she states istypical of her UC flares. She states that she has been having aboutfour bloody bowel movements a day for most of the time that she hasbeen in our city on vacation, but today she was dizzy when shestood up; she did not have any symptoms while sitting or lyingdown. She has been here on vacation for almost 2 weeks and isscheduled to return home in 3 days. She has not traveled outsidethe country, been hospitalized, or received antibiotics recently.She was diagnosed with UC approximately 3 years ago and has hadapproximately one exacerbation a year that her physician hastreated with Pentasa capsules four times a day during eachexacerbation. Each time her symptoms have resolved with 4–6 weeksof therapy. She has refused maintenance therapy because she doesnot want to take a medication four times a day; it is not conduciveto her work and social life and she has refused rectal medicationsfor the same reason. Her last exacerbation was approximately 10months ago.
UC, diagnosed 3 years ago
Type 1 DM
Mother has a history of CAD and lung CA; father has a history ofUC, S/P colectomy 18 years ago.
Works as an office manager; lives with her fiancée; no children;denies tobacco use; drinks one to two glasses of wine every fewweeks; acknowledges marijuana use from 2005 to 2008 but states nonein the past 10 years
Insulin aspart via insulin pump; settings per endocrinology.
Vaccination history is unavailable.
Negative for chest pain, SOB, dysuria, fever, chills, N/V,myalgias, arthralgias, polyuria, or recent allergic reaction.Positive for mild abdominal soreness, cramping, and intermittentbloody diarrhea with occasional urgency.
Physical Examination
A&O, pleasant, healthy-appearing Caucasian woman in NAD
At 8 <small class=”uppercase” style=”font-size:12.800000190734863px;font-family:’Source Sans Pro’, sans-serif;”>AM</small>:
BP (lying down) 100/58 mm Hg, P 60 bpm
BP (standing) 80/40 mm Hg, P 75 bpm
RR 18/min, T 37.0°C
Wt 145 lb (66 kg), usual weight 150 lb (68 kg); Ht 5′7″ (170 cm);BMI 23.5 kg/m2
No lesions; warm, adequate turgor
PERRLA; EOMI; mucous membranes without lesions or exudates; TMsintact
CTA, no rales or rhonchi
RRR, normal S1and S2;no S3,S4
Normal active BS, soft, nondistended; tender to deep palpation butno palpable mass; no liver or spleen enlargement; no reboundtenderness or guarding
Somewhat tender; no hemorrhoids, fissures, or lesions by anoscopy;heme (+) stool
No CCE; pulses 2+; normal ROM; strength 5/5 bilaterally
A&O × 3; CN II–XII intact; DTRs 2+
At 10:00 <small class=”uppercase” style=”font-size:12.800000190734863px;font-family:’Source Sans Pro’, sans-serif;”>AM</small>:
Na 137 mEq/L |
Hgb 13 g/dL |
WBC 5.5 × 103/mm3 |
AST 22 IU/L |
K 3.4 mEq/L |
Hct 38% |
PMNs 52% |
ALT 20 IU/L |
Cl 105 mEq/L |
Plt 242 × 103/mm3 |
Bands 5% |
Alk phos 36 IU/L |
CO227 mEq/L |
MCV 85.3 μm3 |
Lymphs 36% |
T. Bili 0.5 mg/dL |
BUN 26 mg/dL |
MCH 29.1 pg |
Basos 1% |
PT 12.0 s |
SCr 1.0 mg/dL |
MCHC 34.1 g/dL |
Monos 6% |
INR 1.0 |
Glu 113 mg/dL |
Ca 8.9 mg/dL |
Mg 1.9 mEq/L |
PO44.2 mg/dL |
Alb 3.9 g/dL |
A1C 6.2% |
Fecal calprotectin: 160 mcg/g
Color yellow; transparency clear; negative for protein, leukocyteesterase, nitrite, blood, ketones, RBCs, WBCs, and bilirubin; pH7.0; specific gravity 1.019
Lower GI bleeding with a history of UC in a patient who hasdeclined maintenance therapy in the past
D/C with instructions to return to ED if symptoms worsen and tocontact PCP on return home
Clinical Course
The patient presents to her local PCP for follow-up 1 month afterher initial presentation to the ED. She states that her bowelmovements are “completely normal,” and she no longer has pain. Shestates that the symptoms started to resolve about 2 weeks after shestarted treatment. She has had no further complaints of weakness ordizziness. The repeat Hgb today is 12.9 g/dL.
Collect Information
What subjective and objective information indicates the presence ofactive UC?
What additional information is needed to fully assess the patient’sUC?