1. Which of the low potency typical antipsychotics causessedation, significant orthostatic hypotension, sun sensitivity,anticholinergic side effects, and lowers the seizurethreshold?
What are nursing measures for each side effect?
2. Which of the high potency typical antipsychotics has a lowsedation profile, high EPS profile and is given in high doses tocontrol agitation?
3. Which of the mid potency typical antipsychotics may causeseizures, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia or cardiacarrest?
4. Which two typical antipsychotics may be given in a longacting IM form to the gluteal region via Z tract method?
5. Describe akathisia and a medication used to reduceit.
6. Describe symptoms of an acute dystonic reaction and theappropriate nursing intervention.
7. List four symptoms of pseudoparkinsonism and one medicationused to treat it.
8. List three symptoms of tardive dyskinesia and the test usedto diagnose it.
9. List five signs/symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndromeand two nursing interventions.
10. List the names of ten atypical antipsychotics.
11. List three most common side effects of atypicalantipsychotics
12. List two major side effects of clozapine and nursingimplications for each.
13. What is the nursing care after administration of extendedrelease IM olanzapine (Relprevv)?
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