Arielle is a 6 month old girl brought to the ER by her parentswith presenting symptoms of possible respiratory syncytial virus(RSV). As the nurse, you obtain a pulse oxygen reading that shows asaturation of 88%. The infants lips are cyanotic, and the parentsare very anxious. Let’s consider, what should the nurse do first inthis scenario and why?
1. Possible interventions? a. Check the pulse oximeter sensor onthe infant’s left great toe. Assess the infant’s breathing,administer oxygen, and call for help from another nurse. Begincardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and call a code. Check thepulse oximeter sensor, place the infant on her side, and call forhelp from another nurse
2. Explain what RSV is (pathophysiology, s/s, etc..)
3. What are some complications of RSV you should consider as anurse?
4. What tests would the nurse expect to be ordered for thispatient if this was a medical emergency?
5. What are some home management/teaching strategies upondischarge you can provide the parents to perform/do since thisprognosis is viral?