As a nurse, you will encounter many individuals who havedifferent backgrounds and cultural beliefs. Providing culturallysensitive care can be a challenge when your values and beliefs arevery different from those of your patients.
Culturally competent care does not require you to change yourown worldview; it simply means you accept others, act with empathy,and adapt your behavior as necessary to respect the values of othercultures.
During Unit 3, you will be working on the following unitoutcomes:
- Identify how cultural beliefs and customs influence health andwellness practices (CO 2 and 6)
- Explain the influences of diversity, family, and socioeconomicissues on health choices (CO 2, 3, and 6)
- Summarize how the nursing process provides a framework for theprofessional nurse to promote the health of individuals, families,and communities in a multicultural society (CO 1, 3, and 7)
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