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At the beginning of the reading you were asked to imagine for the local department of parks recreation & culture, and you have the responsibility of developing and planning programs & services for the older adults living in your community Suppose you are interested in the leisure behaviours, perceptions & experiences of older adults in your midsized community & how these aspects of their lives might be related to their quality of life. You decide to conduct a study to explore these ideas in greater detail We will work with this scenario through each stage of the hypothetical study. You will find it useful in designing your study to consult some of the resources referred to through weeks learning Stage 1 As a first step. you have decided to establish a clear purpose for the study and develop research questions that will bring you closer to understanding the lives of the older adults. Quantitative Research Approach a) Write a statement of purpose that will guide your research based on quantitative research approach (create your theses that you will be researching to support) b) Develop three research questions on specific aspects of the study that need to be exanimated in order to achieve your purpose Stage 2 Designing the Study a) Assuming you are going to disturbaseadministered questionnaire, design a sampling strategy that would generate a representative sample of all adults in the community ages 65 and older. As you consider your plan ask yourself the following questions How would you define the survey population? Is there a sampling frame you could use from which to select a representation sample? How many participants do you hope to include in the final sample? What sampling strategy will you use for selecting potential participants? In what ways would you try to increase your response rate? by Design a two page questionnaire with a set of closed ended questions for the older adults to complete. Be sure that the questions you create will gather data you need to answer your research questions. Stage 3 Conducting the Study Ethically You have a clear purpose of study and research questions. Now, you are planning to begin data collection. As part of the entire research process, you want to ensure that you are acting as ethically possible. * What steps should you take to ensure that the participants are able to provide informed consent? b) How might you provide the opportunity for meaningful engagement by participants? c) How will you provide feedback to participants to ensure that they are informed about the process and outcomes of your study? d) What steps will you take to protect the confidentiality of your participants? Project 1 – 10% At the beginning of the reading you were to main for the local department recreation culture, and you have the responsibility of developing and planning Programs wervices for the older adults living in your community Suppose you are interested in the behaviours, perceptions & experiences of older adults in your mind community low these aspects of their lives might be related to their quality of it. You decide to conduct Study to explore these eas in greater deak We will work with this comments through each stage of the hypothetical study. To added full designing your study to condut some of the resources to the Stage 1 As a first step you have decided to establishe purpose for the study and developer questions that will bring you closer to understanding the res of the older adult Quantitative Research Approach *) Write statement of purpose that will guide your hand on gamit research approach create your theses that you will be marching to sort bl Develop three research questions on specific aspects of the study that need to be examinated in order to achieve your pre Stage 2 Designing the Study * Assuming you are going to disturbedministered ustionare, strategy that would generate representatives of all in the can pes 65 and older. As you consider your plan, as yourself the following question How would you define the survey on? Is there a sampling frame you could use from which to How many participants do you hope to include in the final angie! What ampling strategy will you use for ting potential per In what wys would you try to increase your rate til Design a two-page ovestionnaire with a set of closed ended questions for the site adults to complete. Be sure that the questions you create will the data you need to answer your research question Stage 3 Conducting the study thically You have a clear purpose of study and research question. Now you are planning to begin dute collection As part of the entire research process, you want to ensure that you are a gas ethically possible * What should you take to ensure that the picture able to pred con bij How might you provide the opportunity for meaning How will you provide feedback to participants to ensure that they are formed about the process and outcomes of your study? What steps will you take to protect the confidentiality of your participants?
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