Audit Report 1.5 Progress Note
LOCATION: Inpatient. Hospital
PATIENT: David R Harris
Attending PHYSICIAN: Timothy L Pleasant, MD
Subjective: The patient is doing very well today. Hislower back pain much better after he has had the epidural pump. Hecomplains of increased secretions in the trachea and some rattlingnoise and pain his chest when he breathes. He is not coughing upany secretions, and he has no other chest pain. He is not havingany fever. No other complaints
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Complete and negative other thanwhat is mentioned above.
OBJECTIVE: He looks okay, in no acute distress. Vitalsare stable and he is afebrile; temperature just for one time was37.9 C, otherwise afebrile. Blood pressure this morning was 96/41.Ears, nose, and throat are unremarkable. Neck is supple, no JVDLungs clear to auscultation with a few rhonchi and no wheezing. Theabdomen is benign. Extremities: There is trace edema, peripheralpulses palpated.
BLOOD WORK FOR TODAY: Gram stain of the pleural fluidstowed a lot of RBCs, no growth. Bedside glucose was 108. Bloodcultures are negative. Cell count, on the pleural effusionnucleated cells, were 520 and RBCs 2800. Sputum culture ispending.
1. Pleuritic chest pain likely related to metastaticnon-small cell carcinoma of the lungs and pain medicationwithdrawal.
2. Lower back pain and lower extremity pain, resolvedright now with epidural pain pump
3. Non-small cell carcinoma, lung
4. History of chronic smoking, and he is still smokingHe is on the nicotine patch.
5. Malnutrition
6. Hepatitis C
7. Depression
8. History of coronary artery disease
9. Hypertension
10. COPD
PLAN. Waiting for permanent pain pump, hopefullytomorrow morning I will add Combivent and Allegra to help withsecretions, Continue other management.
One or more of the following codes are reportedincorrectly or missing for this case. Indicate the incorrect ormissing code or codes
Evaluation and Management, 99232
ICD-10-CM DX CODE: Other chest pain, R07.81; Low backpain M54.5: Unspecified malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung.C34.90; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified,J44.9
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