Baby Abdulhamid, a 2 years old toddler wasadmitted due to difficulty of breathing. He was cuddled by hermother. There is an evident use of accessory muscle when breathingthe oxygen saturation is 80%, with Respiratory rate of 50 breathsper minute, shallow. His weight is 12 kgs. The temperature is 40degree Celsius, Pulse rate- 145 beats per min, BP of 70/30 mmHg;with sternal retractions, crackles were appreciated uponauscultation at the upper base of the lungs. The baby’s skin ispale and the lips are cyanotic. The mother claimed that 2 daysprior to admission, the baby had fever which was observed as warmto touch, with reddish skin, irritable, with appetite, secretionscoming out from the nose. Home remedies that were done are thefollowing- sponge bath believed to reduce body temperature; closingwindows so as not to expose the baby; and steam inhalation. Butstill, the baby was still warm to touch, with secretions and poorsuck. The mother was alarmed especially when her baby was not ableto sleep the whole night and refused to eat. Hence, they consultedtheir pediatrician. Upon examination, the doctor advised the motherfor her baby to be admitted to this institution. The following wereprescribed- Acetaminophen IV 12.5 mg/kg IV every 4 hours, infuseintravenous fluid of D5IMB 500 ml to run for 8 hours, nebulizationwith salbutamol every 4 hours and administer oxygen at 2 liters perminute per nasal canula.
Questions to answer: 20 points
1. What is the indication of Acetaminophenin the case of the patient?
2. How many mg. of Acetaminophen will youadminister per dose?
3. What is your nursing responsibilities inadministering Acetaminophen to the patient?
4. Why is D5IMB fluid solution indicated tothe patient? (3 points)
5. Compute for the flow rate (drops perminute) for the IV solution. The drop factor is 60
6. Explain the mechanism of action ofsalbutamol nebulization?
7. What are the nursing responsibilitieswhen the patient is receiving oxygen therapy?